
What is BRICS, and what is it about?

"The idea that the BRICS countries are trying to move away from the dollar while we stand by and watch is over. We demand...

The Brussels Elite Has Lost Touch with Reality, But We Must Focus on Maximizing Our Strengths

By László József, Népszava - MUOSZ The Polish economy, once overlooked, has now pulled ahead of Hungary's, while political relations between the two countries have...

A brüsszeli elit eltávolodott a valóságtól, mégis arra kell törekedni, hogy az erősségekből a legtöbb előny jöjjön ki – véli a Lengyel Gazdasági Kamara...

Népszava - MUOSZ / László József A korábban lesajnált lengyel gazdaság elhúzott a magyar mellett, a politikai viszonyok pedig mélyponton vannak. Ezzel együtt Marek Kloczko,...

Slovakia wants its share of the Chinese pie. Fico sees new railways and bridges, not human rights

Author: Vojtěch Berger,, Czech republic When Chinese President Xi Jinping went on a European tour this May, he skipped Slovakia. Instead, he confirmed that...

A bottleneck of support for a warring Ukraine. Market still short of gun cotton

Author: Robert Břešťan,, Czech republic It is a precious commodity, a significant component of which grows both on the tree and in the field....

Russians to be replaced by Arabs?

Temporary residence permits are still here – more expensive, but still available Raivis Šveicars, / Latvijas Avīze At the end of May, the CEO of Eagle Hills, Mohamed Ali Alabbar, a...

Krievus grib nomainīt ar arābiem?

Raivis Šveicars / Latvijas Avīze Ar lielu pompu maija beigās uzņēmuma "Eagle Hills" vadītājs, Apvienoto Arābu Emirātu (AAE) pilsonis Mohameds Ali Alabars, dažādi AAE ministri...